Friday, November 14, 2008

I don't remember how we got there. I came with Cookie back to my home with his cousin's family. I sat in front of his uncle and Cookie was on the other end of the kinda-banquet table. While eating lunch, I was working on a solar system puzzle from when I was little and didn't complete. My mom was serving us food. Everyone enjoyed themselves. My mom was talking to Cookie's aunt and I was wondering what language it was since it didn't sound like English or our mother tongue. I was wondering whether it was my mother's dialect, but I didn't recognize it. I was paranoid if my mom asked why I did I go to Cookie's house from school when I could have gone home. Cookie said to say because I wanted to surprise her. I think Cookie's cousins asked for something, like a refill because they liked the food.

I remember another part, being in a parking lot with his family. I don't remember whether that happened before or after visiting my mom at home, or what happened at the parking lot.


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