Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Everyone in Middle Earth gathered to watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy when night began to fall. There were many that I didn't recognize, of dwarves, hobbits, elves and humans, and they were seated on a grassy hill in rings, like in a sports stadium. I walked around looking for quests to do, as if I were in the Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG. I found Legolas with Gimli seated before him, so I zigzagged towards them, and asked Legolas if he knew of any quests. Materializing in front of him were plain, shining, gold rings, a little larger and thicker than wedding bands. He began breaking them in half so they lost their glow and became ghostly blue ones. After he'd done that, there were no other quest for me to do. I also spoke to an elegant elven maiden who told me Aragorn didn't attend the movie screenings, and I wondered what he was up to as a king.


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