Saturday, June 30, 2012

I was on a mission with Leroy Jethro Gibbs and another agent from the show NCIS. We had to catch a few criminals as we staked out an old building with a courtyard. Shots were fired at us so we ran behind pillars, dodging bullets and striking back. At one point I got separated from Gibbs and kept running as the assassin fired at me until their bullets emptied. She still pursued me. I ran through the building and finally up a flight of stairs, though my energy was truly gone. I pushed myself up the stairs and the girl ran after me. When I reached the top step, I saw a piece of long metal and Gibbs appeared at the top ready to shoot her, but I struck her multiple times with the metal until she died. Gibbs helped me up and I didn't know whether to let the bloody metal be found with her or take it with me, but Gibbs reminded me that I burned off my fingerprints for this mission. The next scene was at the locker room inside the building. The police and Gibbs were going through the lady's stuff and finding Tupperware of tomato juice which they believed were blood. Gibbs had put them there. The police questioned Gibbs and when a lady came to the two talking, she placed a paper down which Gibbs snatched away and claimed was a paper to prove whether he was the father of a lady's baby.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I don't remember much of my dreams. I had more than one. For the last I remember, I went to an old folks home with Shortbread and Cookie. It was dark inside with no lighting and a dusk sun. The walls and floors were slate-coloured and made of stone. We went to a huge library and found this lady who didn't speak English. We were caught in the library by another worker, a man, who started questioning us. The home was a private place, so we said we were looking for someone, since we intended to find someone residing in the house, yet we didn't see him. The lady knew a bit of English and demonstrated by trying to read a Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh card to Cookie. We heard noises from another room and the lady became afraid. The guy who interrogated us told us to run. We followed him to a stone solarium and bolted the doors. The pursuers sounded like monsters or hungry wolves and they wanted this lady.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I had a mission with Barbara Gordon, or Batgirl (pre-reboot) from the DC Universe. She was beautiful.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I went grocery shopping with my sister for some things our mom needed and as we were picking up a cart, we ran into Benedict Cumberbatch. Excited, I rushed to him and chatted I knew my sister was a huge fan (not in real life) but she didn't go near him or try to say "hi". She ended up leaving to go to another store within the small mall and I spent time with Cumberbatch, wandering around until the mall turned into the foyer of a hotel. To our left, we circled a big breakfast pavilion in the shape of a circle. I took a picture of it as we passed with my cellphone's camera to use as a game background later. While I still had my phone out, I asked if we could take a picture together and he agreed. My sister caught up with us and I asked if she wanted to take a picture with him. She acted shy and aloof but said yes. I didn't know how to use her camera and it wouldn't autofocus correctly. I fiddled with the settings and when I looked up again, a group of cosplayers ended up posing beside Cumberbatch; my sister was not by his side anymore. I tried taking another picture without luck and the group kept getting bigger and longer that my sister was no longer close enough near him to take a decent picture. This kept going on until Cumberbatch said he had to go. He was getting fed up of waiting for a faulty camera to work. I gave the camera back to my sister as the crowd dispersed and told her I didn't get a picture- she wasn't close enough to him.

Monday, June 18, 2012

After my graduation ceremony, the university opened up it's doors and services to visitors. Cookie and his cousins were with me, and so were his parents and Blackberry, his best friend. The festivities were held for the full weekend so we stayed in a lovely house that looked straight out of the set of the Stepford Wives movie. I went swimming in the pool and I also wandered the two buildings that were opened for the public. On the next day, I asked Cookie where Blackberry was and he said he went back to his school campus, since there was a project he needed to finish. I noticed in place of my diploma was a sheet of paper with a long letter. I tried to understand the letter and the dates printed on it, but I couldn't. I went to the registrar to find out and they said it was a misprint. They would mail my diploma home.

In another dream I was given the task to make a pair of worker boots. The pieces were already cut and all I needed to do was use cement glue and piece then together. It was kind of fun.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Superboy (Connor Kent/Kon-El), Robin III (Tim Drake), Impulse (Bart Allen) [all from the DC Universe, mainly the designs from Cartoon Network's 'Young Justice'] and I were wandering about an slightly empty street market on a hot, sunny day. We were laughing and kidding around as we passed a vendor with many nicknacks and merchandise hanging from a wall he erected. We all slowed down when we came to it, looking at the various items hung. Superboy turns to short, little me and dares me to go buy a giant sombrero hanging from the wall. I shyly wandered to the wall, looking at every object and saw a brown leather messenger bag that I'd rather buy. The bag beside it also enticed me, but it was a small backpack. I reminded myself I was suppose to buy the sombrero, so I reached up to try and pull it off the wall. My height humiliated me as I couldn't grab the hat, so Impulse took it off the wall for me. Robin was beside me too, as they were both curious to what had my 'interest on the wall'- I guess they didn't hear Superboy speak.

I had another dream where I went shopping to find Bonk a birthday present. We buy each other charms, so I went looking for something that can be converted into a charm.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I was with the couple, Peach and Tomato, their friend, Tyrell and Cookie. We were sitting in a booth at a restaurant, laughing and talking. It was happy.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I was at someone's birthday held in a school. The funny thing was my friends were all present at my relative's party. Shortbread, Wafer and our high school friend, Snickerdoodle, chose seats in a classroom that looked much like the nursery classroom in our high school. We were all in poofy prom dresses and I sat beside Wafer and Snickerdoodle, while Shortbread sat to Wafer's left. There was a television screen at the corner of the room so we could see everything going on in the gymnasium- where the event was held. The part I remember distinctly was when it was cake time. I had left with someone to visit another room- I think I was with Snickerdoodle. We saw on the television in the foyer that it was time to cut the cake. We rushed into the gym and sang the end of "happy birthday" before lining up in one line to get cake. We made our way back to the nursery room and took our seats, and I admired the three slices of coloured cake in my plate. One was green cake with a green fondant cover on it, another was black with black fondant, and the last was red in the same format as the last two slices. Snickerdoodle looked at my black slice and asked where did I get that one, so I gave each cake a name, and started believing they were meant to be made in those exact colours. I told her where I got the 'Raven' cake. Shortbread and Wafer took their seats and they had different cake colours from ours: blue (which I called 'Cyborg'), and purple with a brick pattern on it. I asked what kind of cake was that one, and Wafer said it was the Winnie the Pooh cake. I told her I did not see it and got up. I asked everyone to watch my plate so no one takes it and I ran to get the other cakes.

The line for cake was gone, but it was now time for people to get their cakes by themselves. As I began scooping the blue cake onto my plate, a lady from my culture came to me and asked me if I figured out what I wanted to become career-wise. I didn't recognize her as I've met many people in my family once and never see them again and I'm expected to remember who they are with any interactions. I gave her the truth, that I still don't know. When she asked if the Waterloo career help helped me at all, I said 'no' and she gave me a dirty look- the type that says 'you'll never be anything to anyone' or 'you're not trying hard enough'. I continued my cake collecting when she left me and found an orange cake with purple fondant ('Starfire'). I was now sure these cakes were made in relation to the Teen Titans show by DC from Cartoon Network. I also picked up the Pooh cake that Wafer had. When I got a spoon at the end, I noticed the cakes in my plate all melted as if they were ice cream. They were a milky colour instead of the blue or purples I had, and was strange since there were no ice cream content in the cake.

I made it back to my seat to find all my friend's gone and people cleaning up. My first cake plate of red ('Robin'), green ('Beast Boy') and black were gone too. I felt lightly betrayed as I checked my phone for the time. It was almost ten o'clock at night and understood they all had to go. I thought maybe I could get a ride with Cookie, but I realized he didn't come. Maybe they thought I would get a ride with him. I stood stupidly at the door with the thumb holding the plate in the melted cake and a metal teaspoon in my hand and in a poofy dress, trying to push aside my feelings and figure out a way home.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I had two nightmares. In one, there was a face I (thankfully) have forgotten. It was a hideous face with pale blue skin. Something was wrong with it's eyes. They were voided of a soul and they weren't normal eyes. In their sockets were something else, but I can't remember. Maybe there were more than one eyeball in each socket; maybe they were mouths.

In the second nightmare, I was with Dean Winchester of Supernatural. We went to investigate something, but it was pitch black. We finally reached a small spotlight and there was a figure. Dean touched him and something I don't remember happened. Then it was just the two of us, but something was wrong with my friend. His mind got slower and he laid a hand on my shoulder to steady himself, as he was dizzy. I took his hand with my own and felt something strange. I looked at his palm and there was a mouth. Startled, I quickly pulled away but his hand moved on it's own and the mouth began to gnaw on my knuckles. I felt immense pain (in my dream). I was being eaten alive.

My last dream was thankfully better. I gathered with many men in ancient roman armor. I too was dressed in this getup and it wasn't strange to everyone that I was a female warrior. I carried a two-handed broadsword, which I strapped to my back before mounting my brown and white horse. We rode fast, near the lead of the group until we ran into a giant monster. I rode around it many times for it to get dizzy, but the being had greater intelligence. I don't remember much of what happened, but a new man came along and rode with me to slay the giant form.


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