Sunday, March 29, 2009

I was against a friend, and apparently we had to fight each other. It was an authorized fight though, so it was like a boxing match, except that wasn't the type of fighting we had to do. We were waiting offstage, and I was late, so I changed into my fighting clothes in the washroom. When I came out, we were all being told to go somewhere; to another room. I followed them, and it looked like an office for many people. We stayed there for a while. I can't remember what happened. Something like an avalanched happened, covering everything in white and separating us into two groups. My group was small, and was only of three people. We searched for the rest of the group and found someone lying on the ground. We ran to them, and he was in pain. One of our group members ran to find the rest of the group, and found them. He asked for Mr. ??? to help him since he was in the medical field. He opened a small bottle and started carefully smearing it on his head and hair. When someone else touched his head and tried smearing it, probably because they saw a big lump of the creme in one stop, the guy yelped in pain. Mr. ??? brushed the other person's hand off and continued to smear. I was thinking he had natural calming and gentleness.

It was like a game. There was a room with a bunch of human bones. I had to find all the parts I needed and put the skeleton back together. But I was being chased by a vampire and two other monsters. The other problem was that there were many other skeleton bones in the same room. I had to find the right bones with the exact fit, just like a puzzle.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The real date of this dream is lost. I dated this dream by approximation.

My sister and I waited in my dorm room which was part of the school. We packed our bags, and I waited for the delivery man to show up. While waiting, our cousins made a surprise visit but I had to leave still to go to the library with the delivery man. When he came, my sister didn't want to go. Turns out the delivery man was the drummer from the band named "Anberlin". He spoke with a lisp-- I thought, maybe that's why he doesn't sing. He brought textbooks to my room after the library. My sister sat there; we talked about something and she said it was my fault for it. I said, "no it isn't, but I'd rather not go into details about it." I felt smart and left. The delivery man brought in more books so I left to help him. On the way, in the hall, a man also moving books said something like, "Oh great! Are you helping too?" I did something that signaled "yes" and kept walking. One of Cookie's friends from college, one of African descent, saw me. He walked up to me and said something in street slang. We talked as we walked; I couldn't figure out what to say, forgetting the words I wanted to express with. I asked him what it meant, and he said,"oh.." and smiled, and started to explain but stopped when we reached the staircase to the front entrance and reached the top. Cookie was standing there with his books, about to go to class. The sun from the outside lit him from behind, as it was a nice and sunny day. When he saw me, he ran to the exit doors, opened one, as if playing. I ran and opened the one across from him. He still playfully smiled, waiting for me to move. I reached into my back slowly and tried to take my camera out from its case but he heard the velcro rip and dashed outside with me chasing him, laughing. Though my laugh was eerie sounding; they were sounds of "he he he..", each letter pronounced clearly.

* Anberlin is one of my favourite music bands.
* It's unfortunate that the 'blame game' is commonly played in my house. I endlessly hate it with the rage of a thousand suns.

Monday, March 23, 2009

We were in a classroom much like the ones in high school. We were put into groups for a class game. Len [a boy in my student housing in second year university] was in my team, but so were two other cute guys and at least one more girl. When break time came, I left the room to take a shower in the gym's shower room. When I finished, I wrapped myself in a towel, and two other guys hid behind be, beside the door. They chased me into the hallway so I ran towards our classroom door where they cornered me. Len came outside and so did the two cute guys in our team. They guys chased the other two away, while Len stayed beside me. He asked me something, but I'm not sure what. He must have been asking to go somewhere, but I was reluctant because I had no clothes on.

A girl from my team talked to me about working on Friday. There was an empty spot on the job we both worked at and she needed someone to fill in with her. I didn't want to go work but I didn't want to say "no" directly. She asked what my schedule was like on Fridays [I was in university] and I told her I had class, then an hour of free time then I have to go home. Our ride came, because we were carpooling with other friends to a wedding reception. We went into the car with an Asian boy and a European girl. The girl was dressed classy, and the guy was in a suit. On the way, we got lost and stopped to ask for directions. I can't remember what happened, but after that, we got to the wedding reception at a restaurant, and we were all dressed in violet dresses (minus the guy). My dress was a little different; it was a three piece, and I had an olive shawl, a violet blouse, and an olive long skirt. We sat and ate and watched the Lion King by Disney. When the first part of the movie finished, everyone went home.

My last dream, I was in Cookie's house with his parents. They had a new house that wasn't completely finished so we were finishing it. When it was lunch time, everyone sat down to eat, but I was shy to help myself. While everyone ate, I looked around and pretended not to be hungry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

In my first dream, it was Halloween and Cookie and his little cousins knocked on my door. The oldest of the cousins asked to use our washroom so I let him in and he ran upstairs to use it. It was a richer house than what we live in today.

In my second dream, I went to the convenience store while Cookie and his classmate and new friend went to go buy something. They went into the convenience store I was in and was holding his friend's daughter, as well a pad of paper. I finished paying for the chocolate green tea coated ice cream bar I haven't had in so long and we went out of the store. We walked for a little bit, and his friend separated from us. I don't remember what happened after.

I had either one more or two more dreams, but I don't remember them anymore.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I had a dream when the black and white cat I lived with in second year residence broke into my room, but it was an orange and yellow cat instead. This cat... I called him "Luke" or "Ruku".

Sunday, March 15, 2009

There was a zombie problem and many people were gathered in a house in secret. They were discussing on what to do with the zombies. The zombies broke in and the everyone started running. I was one of the people trying evacuate everyone, but so was that guy in Resident Evil 5. Most of the people got away.

It was in our house, but my sister and I were in my room that looked like my 2nd year residence house. She was going through the internet. Many girls kept coming in and out; they were relatives. A party was happening, but we weren't participating. The cat from residence was there, and tried to get into my room. It was being chased by two dogs. It came it, but the dogs didn't; we closed the door on it. I held the cat though so it wouldn't go under my bed.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I can't remember. I only remember Jade Curtis from "Tales of the Abyss".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I don't remember my dream. The only things that I had in my mind when I woke up was "Frings" (Aslan Frings) and "Malkuth" from Tales of the Abyss.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I don't remember much, but we were in someone's bedroom. Someone else was there besides Cookie and I, and they asked if we heard "[Ready, Set, Go!]" by Tokio Hotel. They took out some kind of playback device and played it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My family and I went to the grocery store. There were boxes of spices that were being sold. Everyone else left, but I stayed and sniffed them.

I was with a mother and her daughter, and we were dressed in Victorian dresses. They sat in a white room and were actors. Someone with authority came in so I warned them and we went to another room and took their groceries with us to a waiting room with people. I was holding a baby.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I remember fragments. I was talking to this newsman who had a microphone about something. I don't know whether he was a real reporter.

I decided to go to Zellers (in the place of Zehrs in real life) after school but when I reached the place on the bus, it was dark inside and closed.

I was with Cookie and while he was on his cellphone, I went through his MSN logins trying to access his account.

I was watching television on something in Japan and while I was watching, I saw Anise (from Tales of the Abyss) posing like Sailor Moon. I wasn't sure whether it was really her or if it was Sailor Moon related until the screen went to an Anise plushie and Tokunaga, and then to Guy plushie, then Luke. When I saw Guy, I was ecstatic.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I don't remember what happened since it's been days since I last recalled the dream. I was with Hent, Konny and Kitty, and we were running, but I am unsure whether we were escaping... I think we were.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I was at Cookie's house and so was my family. It looked like my cousin's house. We were waiting until the time of our flight to arrive. I don't remember anything else.


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