Monday, February 24, 2025

20250224 Cookie and I had to attend a wedding. Cookie was part of the wedding party and I was his guest.

We were in a mansion, with brick walls as an interior. Everyone was getting ready in the same rooms. Cookie was shaving his face with a cheap, pink, dual-bladed, disposable ladies' razer when I came in the room with the bridesmaids. I exclaimed I forgot to shave my legs and asked Cookie if I may use one of his razers. Of course he let me. He had two bags: one standard shape, and the other had a concaved, crescent blade. I took a crescent one and immediately went to a sink. There were many sinks in a line across the wall. Wetting my leg and then the razer, I did my best to avoid razer burn as I shaved the one centimetre long leg hairs. The razer pulled and I felt stinging pain.

When Cookie was done, he sat on the white-sheeted bed next to me. I looked up, seeing his navy pants legs to the white cap on his head. He was in his naval officer's uniform from the Navy. His coat was decorated with a few medals on his chest. I immediately felt flushed and lustful. I didn't realize the groomsmen were required to wear their uniforms instead of a suit. Before I could comment, they were called to the altar.

As the bridemaids watched the men leave, I heard one say they look gorgeous. I replied, "I'll have to keep [this memory] in my spank bank."

The reception was more like a nightclub with each corner of the room having a different theme, lighting and music. It was messy. I showed my mom, seated at my table, the bride's spending - which was over budget. She grabbed it and showed it to everyone, frantically. I yelled for her to stop or the bride will hate me but it was too late.

The next morning, Cookie and I got packed. Shortbread was getting a ride home with us. We went from room to room, looking for things we could take home with us. Items that wouldn't be missed. Shortbread took a small potted plant.

Friday, February 21, 2025

20250221 I went to my mom's kitchen, which looked at lot like 9L except with a different layout. My cousin, who was born eighteen days after me, was there. The telephone on the wall rang, so she answered it for us. After a few short qips and hanging up the receiver, she turned to me and asked, ”two of the quizzers on ???name-of-event?? dropped out. how would you like to be one of them? They gave us two free tickets!"

I felt terrified. When I was alone with my mom, I begged her that I didn't want to go. ”I read the Bible, but I don't know it well!"

Saturday, February 1, 2025

20250201 It was a beautiful spring day. The leaves were bright green in the sun. I took Baby out on a front facing stroller on public transit, where we got off on a busy street corner near the lake of our metropolitan city. I pushed Baby not far, until we reached a kiosk selling books, board games, plush animals and VHS with bright, realistic illustrations of animals.

I turned the corner to see if they were there. Spritz and his mother were behind the counter, helping customers with transactions while his younger sister sat on the carpeted floor in a white dress, talking and thanking customers and people that came. Spritz was the first to notice me and waved. He had his normal haircut but with experimental short bangs, and his glasses turned into shades in the UV sunlight.

When the crowd left, I approached them and introduced Baby. I asked if she still had copies of the children's book she illustrated and that I'd like to buy a copy.

Friday, January 31, 2025

20250131 My high school friends were having a get together at an apartment owned by either Spritz or one of his sisters. Cookie and I brought our four month old baby, who was quiet and happy. I sat at a small, white dining table feeling isolated  from all the activities. Because that's what it feels like as a new, breastfeeding mother at parties.

Spritz's older sister was going through the kitchen cabinets. I asked what she was doing.
”I'm looking for pot to make my hot chocolate," she said.
I got up from my seat and pulled out a small pot. “this will work perfectly," I said.
She agreed and left the suite to get ingredients at her apartment.

Spritz's younger sister saw Baby and asked to hold her. When Cookie came by, he asked, "where's Baby?"
I pointed to them by the window. She sat on the white, tiled floor with Baby on her lap as she showed her different pots and pans from the white cupboards.

Friday, January 24, 2025


It was the last days of university, during exams, though the hallways looked like I was in high school. I wandered the halls, looking for my last class' exam location, though passing the office, I ran into my professor. 

"Where have you been?" She asked.
I told her I'm looking for her exam room, then realized since she was standing here, I missed the exam. After rescheduling, I took the subway.

On my way home, I wnted to stop at an underground Chinese mall, where they had a run-down department store. Everything was on one floor. I browsed, looking through kitchenare, clothing, stationary and knickknacks. I stopped at a tablecloth I though was cute. I wanted it, but I was aware I didn't have very much money to freely spend. I debated whether it was worth buying, or buying dinner instead.


It was the end of our vacation at an all-inclusive resort. Cookie and I had gone because of a wedding. Cookie's mum stopped by our room, checking if we remembered to pack our suit and dress.

We pulled put our suitcases. Cookie had brought three suitcases - a large red one, a hand-carry in navy, and a weekender. I had brought two - a hand-carry and weekender.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

20250119 Shortbread and I were back in school together, as characters we created, with a high school atmosphere. We went to our class, which looked like a small amphitheatre, and our teacher told us the parameters of our assignment. The class was a language arts one. We chose our groups: Shortbread, two other female, two other male students and me. We split up the work between us.

My partner was one of the boys. He was smaller than the rest of us and had big brown eyes and matching hair. We met at my apartment hallway (that looked like 9L's) with brown and orange carpet and yellow wallpaper from the 70's. Before we got into my home, he disappeared. In my teal, peep-toe stilettos, I ran around looking for him. He disappeared for days, and I spent any time that wasn't class looking for him. I had a minor crush on him, and obsessed with solving what happened to him.

Meanwhile, Shortbread's partner was the other boy. He was tall, handsome, curly-haired brunette. He also disappeared. At the same time I searched for the short boy, she looked for the tall boy.

Our paths crossed often, but we were preoccupied with our cases - our mysteries. When we talked, it was to check on each other and if we had any leads.

[I woke up, then returned to sleep.]

I went to class and set my books on a desk in the middle of the room. I noticed the short boy was back, sitting at the back row of desks. As I got up to talk to him, a group of mean girls declared I was sitting at their spot. I gathered my things as they teased me for being unremarkably dressed and set it on the desk behind them. 

I went to the hallway, and a heavy gust blew through the hall. It was quick and hurricane-like as it lifted me off my feet and blew me horizontal. I held onto the door to keep from blowing away. When it stopped, the classes had ended and the hall filled with students.

Shortbread was one of the last to leave the class, holding her books on a short-rimmed baking sheet. She waited for me as I ran back in to grab my things, including my books that now sat on a similar baking sheet I've brought from home.

As we walked, I asked why she was upset. She said she had a crush on her partner, and embarrassed herself when she found him by telling him. When he rejected her, the whole class walked in and teased her, laughing. I told her, ”I blacked out" and can't remember at all how I solved my mystery. I wondered why we had baking trays and if we had a science project in a language arts class.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

20250116 i worked in a retail store, and then took part time at another retail store. I preferred the second one and told my coworkers. We went to lunch together, which included Mango and Papaya and their eldest son who was three. Papaya and I filled on desserts.

i went on a field trip in a packed coach bus in university, to a local museum. There were floating, mulocoloured, huge fish swimming in the air above our heads. We spent the day there, and left just as it became 4pm. Most of the students have left on their own, and on the bus home, it was just a handful of us left and the female professor.

She asked the driver to stop somewhere in the middle of a busy town. I asked, “were thise floating fish real or...” but the bus was still dead silent and I felt embarrassed, realizing what I've just said.
I was the last to jump off the bus, but I grabbed an umbrella because it was raining. I took a pvc, clear one with many coloured polkadots. We crossed the street in the pouring rain and stopped at an outdoor market, just outside another art museum.


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